Kaci Skidgel Named to Financial Times’ 401 Top Advisors List

Congratulations to Kaci Skidgel for being named one of Financial Times’ 401 Top Advisors of 2018! Being named to this list puts Kaci in the company of some of the top Financial Advisors in the country, with each nominee managing an average of $1.26 billion in defined contribution plan assets. The scope of requirements for being named to this prestigious list goes beyond just the volume of assets managed by the advisor: it also factors in criteria such as the growth of those assets, specialization in the defined contribution business, years of experience, participation rate, industry certifications and compliance record. Selection to this list is independent and objective, with data being provided by Broadridge Research Partners to help identify qualifying candidates.

Having been found to exceed each of these standards, Kaci’s recognition by the Financial Times reflects her relentless ability to provide best-in-class financial consultation to her clients, as well as the ability of her Retirement Planning team to provide top-quality analysis and customer service to their clients on an ongoing basis.

Summit is incredibly proud of all that Kaci has accomplished and is looking forward to the continued growth of the Retirement Plan Division under her strong leadership.


The Financial Times Top 401 Investment Advisors is an independent listing produced by the Financial Times. The FT 401 is based on data gathered from firms and verified by broker-dealer home offices, regulatory disclosures, and the FT’s research. The listing reflects each advisor’s performance in seven primary areas, including DC assets under management, DC asset growth rate, specialization in DC business, years of experience advising DC plans, industry certifications, participation rate in DC plans and compliance records as identified by the FT. Neither the brokerages nor the advisors pay a fee to The Financial Times in exchange for inclusion in the FT 401.